Ujjain Madhya Pradesh

Place of Interests in Ujjain

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Places of Tourist Attraction in Ujjain

Ujjain also known as Ujjaini and possesses a number of Tourist Attractions. It is the abode of one of the twelve shrines of Jyotirlinga of Lord Shiva and therefore regarded as a sacred city for the Hindus. Once in twelve years Kumbha Mela is held here. This is one of the most ancient carnivals that is celebrated by the Hindus from a time. Since Ujjain had also been the administrative district, it has a number of Tourist Attractions.

Bade Ganeshji Ka Mandir

This is located near the reservoir of the Mahakaleshwar Temple. It consists of a sculptured image of Lord Ganesh.

Harsiddhi Temple

This consists of an image of the Goddess Annapurna, who is supposed to be the fulfiller of all human wishes. Therefore it is also known as the Harisiddhi, where 'Hari' in hindi means 'Lord Vishnu' and 'Siddhi' in hindi means 'Success'.

Vikram Kirti Mandir

This is an archeological Museum and an Art Gallery. It is actually a Cultural Centre. It is reminiscent of Vikramaditya who is supposed to be the finest judge in the world.

Chintaman Ganesh

It is told that the image of Lord Ganesha in the antique temple 'Chintamani Ganesh' has been created by the Lord himself and is not man made.

Bhartrihari Caves

The renowned scholar poet 'Bhratrihari' used to meditate and live in these caves. It is near the River Shipra.

Kaliadeh Palace

This is also one of the famous temples of Ujjain that attracts a number of tourists through its silent beauty.

Kal Bhairava

Kal Bhairava refers to Lord Shiva. The temple has been constructed in an antique style much like the elaborate Malwa Paintings

Durgadas Ki Chhatri

This is the dome built where Durgadas died. It is like a tomb, and is now a major tourist attraction at Ujjain.

Chintamani Ganesh Temple

Chintamani Ganesh Temple is said to be one of the most ancient temples of Ujjain, it is also one of the most visited places in Madhya Pradesh. 'Chintamani' in hindi means 'Lord Vishnu'; it is the other name for 'Vishnu'. So, the temple has the idol of 'Lord Ganesha' and 'Lord Vishnu' together and is known as the 'Chintamani Temple'.

History of the Chintamani Ganesh Temple

The history of the Chintamani Ganesh Temple dates back to the ancient period when the people used to believe in the notion that the gods and the goddesses come alive on the earth for their purpose or to attend their follower's ardent prayers; from such a notion came the idea that the Lord Ganesh came into the earth and created the temple for himself in Ujjain is very popular. During Sagar Manthan, churning of the sea by the Gods and the Demons, Amrita or nectar came up from the ocean. One drop fell in Ujjain thereby making it sacred. Whosoever visits this place shall be filled with all the blessings of the Gods and the Goddesses residing here.


The temple is very old and the sight of the temple itself reveals its age. It consists of the colossal image of Lord Ganesh and according to the Hindu Mythology; he came into the earth and created the temple from himself.

How to reach Chintamani Ganesh Temple

One can reach the Chintamani Ganesh Temple by plane to Indore or directly by train. So, after reaching the city you can come to the Chintamani Temple by hired bus or car.

Harsiddhi Durga Temple

The Harisiddhi Temple at Ujjain is one of the most visited tourist site in India, and it has gained so much importance due to its sacredness that is intimately associated with the temple. 'Hari' in hindi means 'Lord Vishnu' who is supposed to be the preserver among the 'Trinity of the Hindus'. He is the restorer, while Lord Brahma is the creator and Lord Shiva is the destroyer among the three.


The temple of Harisiddhi, bedecked with the idol of the Annapurna Goddess, symbolizes benevolence and success. Goddess Annapurna is also the better half of Lord Vishnu. She is the presenter of wealth and prosperity to the lives of men. So, in the Harisiddhi Mandir, thousands of followers crowd and pray whole heartedly to get blessings from the Goddess. It is also said that the mother Goddess is the fulfiller of all wishes and so the epithet "Siddhi" is added to the original title of the temple. There is a shrine of the Goddess Annapurna, which is said to be consecrated and blessed with powers, so that she enriches the lives of her followers.

How to reach the Temple of Harisiddhi

Since the nearest airport is at Indore, you have to come to the same and then start for Ujjain. You can also come to Ujjain by train because it has many rail routes with a number of important towns in India.

Kaal Bhairav

Lord Kal Bhairava is the manifestation of Lord Shiva who is said to oversee the time ahead. It is also said that the "Time lost is lost forever", so one should make a good use of time in life. The Kal Bhairava Temple, Ujjain is the place where Lord Kal Bhairava is being worshipped at Ujjain. This is an important place for the devotees of the Shaivaites.

History of the Kal Bhairava Temple

Since time cannot be restored the people say that the Kal Bhairava should be worshipped. Time must be spent keeping in view that spiritual progress is necessary in lives of men. So, people go to the Kal Bhairava temple in order to worship Kal Bhairava, 'Kal Bhairava' is also known as 'Khetrapala' and he is regarded as 'the guardian of the temple' that is why the keys of the Kal Bhairava temple is to be kept at the temple premise at night and no one should carry it elsewhere. Since Kal Bhairava is also the protector of the travelers, one should make a garland of cashew nuts and give it to the god along with lighting a lamp so that he gets pleased and save the traveler from any danger. This is to be done especially if the journey is at night. Since dog is the vehicle of the Lord, it is very auspicious to feed dogs which show our respect to Kal Bhairava. All the offerings to the Kal Bhirava Lord are to be done at the day of Kal Bhairava Ashthami, when the lord is being worshipped with care and dedication.


The Shaivites worship eight Bhairavas, and the Kal Bhairava is the most important amongnst them. It is thought that the temple of Kal Bhairava has been erected by the King Bhadrasen. This was done at the banks of the River Shipra, whose iridescent view rejuvenates the traveler and sanctifies him of his sins. The Kapalika and the Aghora sects usually worship Kal Bhairava. The temple of Kal Bhairava is therefore very important to them. Liquor is offered to the lord as a part of the worship and the temple exhibits beautiful Malwa style of architecture. The paintings on the wall of the temple are however only visible in part.

How to reach Kal Bhairava Temple

You can come to Ujjain by train and then hire a car or bus and come straight to the Kal Bhairava Temple.

Kalideh Palace

The Kalideh Temple is located on the banks of the River Shipra and is the most visited sites of the state of Madhya Pradesh. It is like an isle that is separated by a small stretch of water that makes it look more elegant.

History of the Kaliadeh Palace

The middle arena of the column has being constructed according to the Persian style of architecture, and the pillar inscription in Persian and Arabic clearly tells the fact that emperor Jahangir and Akbar visited this place. This place had suffered in a lot but the fact is that Madhav Rao Scindia restored the finery of the place. This was done in the year 1920. It is also known to all that the lost glory of the Sun Temple has also being restored by the same Madhav Rao Scindia.


The Kalideh Palace in Ujjain immediately evokes the thought of a splendid isle in the middle of an aquamarine expanse. It has all the elegance of nature, and the thing that makes it all the more worthwhile is the harmony that the sight of the temple produces with the ancient lyrics of the sages. There is spectacular water flowing on both the sides of the palace. It is transparent and imparts the message of freedom and fidelity.

How to reach Kaliadeh Palace (Ujjain)

You can reach the temple by rented buses or cars once you have landed at Indore because Indore is the adjoining airport. You can also reach here by train that are very frequent and is linked to all the major cities.


Jain Tirths near Ujjain

Shri Neminath Digamber Jain Atishay Kshetra and Punya Bhoomi, Jaisinhpura

No of Temples: 18 (1huge, 7medium & 10 small temples), Pahaad/Mountain: No, Historical importance: Jaysinhpura is within the boundary of city Ujjain. It’s ancient name was Awantikapuri. The city got its name Ujjain during Jain rulings. As per shwetambar considerations Muni Abhajghosh got salvation here, that is why the place is called siddhakshetra. This is the place where lost Shrutkewali Bhadrabuji got sense about the worst famine in nearby future & form here he went towards south India along with huge group of disciples. The great emprore samnat chandragupt moray took jain dikoha & went with Bhadrabahuji. Many ancient & arehaeologicals important article belonging to jains are safely kept in the archaeological museum established by malwa prantik sabha, Badnagrr near the temple in Jiysinhpura. Besides Jain temples the place is also reknowned for Shiv –Jyotirling (mahakal), Chintaman Ganesh, Jantar – Mantar, Kaliyadah palace, Sandipan aashram, Bhruthari care etc.

Location Railway Station Route
Ujjain, Madhya Pradesh 474002 Ujjain: 3km. Rail and road.
Hanuman Tal Jabalpur

Shri Mahaveer Tapobhoomi (Siddha Kshetra)

No of Temples: 07 & 01 Chaubisi, Pahaad/Mountain: No, Historical importance: It has a very rich & ancient cultural background. It is austerity place of lord mahaveeraji as well as salvation place of muni Abhayghoshji. The motivational source for development of this kshetia is muni shri pradnyasagarji who is a kind disciple of Aacharyashri Pushpadantsagarji maharaj. The kshetra has world largest footprints of lord Vrishabhnathaaji (7’ × 7’) world’s first choubisi made up of gems (11”), shri neminath – parshwanath temple Dharamshala, Bhojanshala, Aaharkaksha, Mahaveer garden etc.

Location Railway Station Route
Ujjain, Madhya Pradesh 474002 Ujjain: 8km. Road route Ujjain, Indore highway.
Hanuman Tal Jabalpur
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